Thursday, June 13, 2013

E3 2013 Prediction Results

The Electronic Entertainment Expo has come to a close and a lot of fantastic video game news has exploded over the world. Over at my Facebook page a few people made some predictions about what news and information would be revealed by Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo during their press conferences and broadcasts. It is now time to see who got their predictions correct. It's simple, points that actually happened receive a point and whoever receives the most points wins the E3 2013 predictions (you'll win nothing, by the way).

With out further a do!

Drew Agnew


1. Mario Kart for the Wii U is announced and is a collaboration with Sega. The game will feature Sonic characters as well as a few Sonic inspired stages. The main focus of this title will be playing with friends both off line and online. Off screen gameplay, leader boards and Miiverse will be detailed.


Mario Kart 8 was shown for the Wii U and was not a collaboration with Sega

2. The new 3D Mario title that will be announced will not be Galaxy 3, and instead will be an all new Mario 3D platformer with its own take on the genre. Since Nintendo has confirmed that it will be playable at E3 it is also expected there will also be a trailer shown when the game is announced. I believe the trailer will feature at least one spectacular back flip along with the memorable peace sign hand gesture Mario makes when he obtains a star in Super Mario 64.

Super Mario 3D World was shown and new multi-player gameplay was shown and indeed wasn't Mario Galaxy 3

3. Masahiro Sakurai has confirmed via his Twitter account that there will be a trailer shown for the reveal of the next Super Smash Brothers game. This trailer will consist of Iwata, Reggie, Miyamoto and Bill Trinin fighting to the death on a stage that resembles Final Destination from SSB Brawl. Towards the end of the trailer Reggie readies his body and obtains his final smash and grows giant before dropping Wii Balance boards on his opposition. The camera will then zoom straight up to his face before fading out with the text ‘’2014’’.


The trailer wasn't what I detailed, but did end in ''2014''.

4. Retro Studios’ [developers responsible for the Metroid Prime series and the recent Donkey Kong Country Returns] game finally gets revealed to the public and is a brand new I.P. I would guess that it would be a FPS, not because of Metroid but because Nintendo lack games in this genre and would be good to shake off the ‘’casual’’ stigma people perceive when thinking of the Nintendo brand.


Donkey Kong is not a new I.P.

5. More information regarding the Zelda title currently in development for the Wii U will be shared. Still no screen shots, but some vague concept art will be shown.




1. Sony has already stated that the PS4 will be shown at E3, so simply stating that it will be shown is cheating. So I’ll take it further with my prediction and say that the PS4 console will have all your usual components and visual factors most other consoles have. GPU’s fans, disk drive, HDMI port, HDD and LED lights will all be included. But to be serious, the PS4’s design won’t be radically different to its predecessors in order to keep that PlayStation ‘’feel’’ and will look similar to the PS3 except a lot bigger.


It looks like an original PS2, so yeah

2. Gravity Rush 2 will be announced for PS4.

Points: 0

Nooooo. =(

3. Many of Sony’s 13 first party studios are yet to announce their PS4 projects. All games announced at the show that are made by a first party developer are new I.P’s except for Naughty Dog who are making Uncharted 4 and Studio Japan making Gravity Rush 2.

Points: 0

Exclusives were shown but none from the first party studios.

4. The PS Vita will continue to get the back seat and see no more than 3 ‘’must have’’ titles announced during the show.
Points: 1

The Vita was barely shown during the show.

5. I know that companies typically hold information regarding price and release date in order to hold another event down the track to receive more publicity, but I will go against that and say that Sony will announce a date and a price during their E3 press conference.

Points: 1

$400 US price was announced but no release date, Sony just said holiday season. Only 1 point.


1. No price or release date

Points: 0

Yep, $500 US and November.

2. Microsoft only shows games at their E3 press conference. No TV, no sports and probably lots of dogs.

Points: 1

Plenty of games.

3. Banjo 4 will be announced and will piss off Nintendo fans the world over. It is also called Banjo 4 because Microsoft considers Nuts & Bolts a legit game in the series.

Points: 0


4. Halo 5 will be there in some capacity. I hedge bets on a trailer.

Points: 1

A tester trailer was shown for Halo 5 and it looked great!

5. A sequel to Gears of War 3 won’t be at the show.

Points: 1

Gears of War was not shown at all.

Results = 7/15

Rowan Godwin


1. They will close the show with COD ghosts (making sure that there is dogs in every frame).

Points: 0

Ghosts wasn't shown during Microsoft's conference. 

2. Remedy (Alan wake developers) will fill everyone in on what that trailer at the Microsoft press event was all about. 

Points: 1

Another trailer for for Quantum Break was shown.

3. They will most likely have a flood of new kinect games, with enthusiastic adults playing them.

Points: 0

No Kinect only games were shown.

4. Probably a few tech demos..

Points: 0

Only games

5. Microsoft will show their new controller, yes I know they have already shown one. However this is a new one equipped with handcuffs and a tracking device that acts like a house arrest tracker. This will allow you to never stray more 50 metres from the main console (requires an always online connection). Why not throw a few more restrictions in there haha.

Points: 1

They probably should have done this, it isn't like people could have been angrier with them then they are at the moment.


1. Hopefully infamous second sun gameplay 

Points: 1

New gameplay and trailer. 

2. Naughtydog will announce either another uncharted(I really hope its uncharted racing game like the crash bandicoot/jak games) or some other masterpiece, they are really good at those.

Points: 0

Unfortunately not. =(

3. Also I'm interested to see what Santa Monica studios (god or war series) has been working on. Possibly a new IP 

Points: 0

Santa Monica's name come up in The Order 1886's trailer meaning they must be helping Ready At Dawn in some way, but it isn't their game.

4. There will be good long talk about indie developers on the ps4, including a stack indie goodness in the way of titles.

Points: 1

Yep, heeeaps.

5. Destiny gameplay.

Points: 1

Yep, heeeeaps.


Dont have anything for Nintendo just yet ill do some research. Because I honestly have no idea what they do these days. But I bet that whatever it is it's better than that maximum security prison that Microsoft are trying to market as a console.

Points: 0

Both have a great line up of games. 

Results = 5/15

Riley Huppatz


1. A new Gears of War will be shown / teased throughout the show. (I believe it will be set off the planet that the other four are located on thus expanding the universe and lore)

Points: 0

Gears of War was no were to be seen.

2. A game will be show, most likely Kinect, that will be su
ch a draw droppingly, face palmingly bad idea that no one really knows why it was ever thought of. My guess is the new Rare game will actually be a terrible Banjo Kinect minigame thing.

Points: 0

No Kinect, no Banjo.

4. The Forza people (forgot their names) will spend a lot of time showing off how much better the game looks yet since the last one looked so good anyway you won't really be able to tell the difference.

Points: 1

Turn 10 Studios did show off a lot of Forza 5 and it looks a huge step forward over it's predecessors.


5. All multi-platform games shown will have exclusive DLC and or things for the Xbox One.

Points: 0

Nah, just Battlefield 4.


1. A spiritual successor or reboot will be given to a fan loved PS1 title. 

Points: 0

No there was none.

2. A hell of a lot of focus will go to Indie games. Most of which will be ported to steam a week later for a quarter of the price.

Points: 1

Plenty of indie games, don't know whether they'll be on Steam a week later though, haha.

3. Free to play will be a big thing with at least one huge game being ported over. My guess is Guild Wars 2.

Points: 0

The PS4 supports free to play, but it wasn't a focus at the conference.

4. Some terrible 'must have' accessory will be unveiled for the ps4 that rivals the Move or Wonderbook. 

Points: 0

Nothing can rival Wonderbook or Move. Ever.

5. Focus will be put on Vita cross features yet hardly any games will be shown for it.

Points: 1

Couldn't be closer to the truth.


1. Nintendo will launch a completely I.P

Points: 1

Nintendo show X a new I.P from Monolith Soft coming 2014.

2. At some point throughout the entire Nintendo directs One of the big wigs (Reggie, Iwata etc) will cosplay as a Nintendo character.

Points: 0

Surprisingly, no.

3. Mario kart will look to 'reinvent' the kart racing genre. 

Points: 1

The whole gravity thing looks to shake things up.

4. The Wii U will get a massive upcoming update to the OS to do lots of neat things.

Points: 0

There is still one coming to speed up the OS, but nothing from the Direct.

5. Something will be revealed or shown that will make one of us tear up with joy :') 

Points: 1

Smash Brothers looked amazing.

Results = 6/15

Todd Lang


1. New Media Molecule IP

Points: 0


2. Bungie/Destiny PS3/PS4 exclusive content

Points: 1

Apparently there is.

3. PS4 console will be finally shown off alongside a price and release month (not date)

Points: 1

Wow this is almost spot on, but no month was announced.

4. Battlefield 4 DLC early on PS3/4

Points: 0

Battlefield DLC is a timed exclusive for Xbox One.

5. The Last Guardian will be announced for PS4

Points: 0

Last Guardian is officially on hiatus. No console was specified. 


1. TV

2. TV

3. COD: Ghosts

4. Kinect

5. TV

Points: 0

1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 were not at the Microsoft E3 conference. 


1. New Mario Kart

Points: 0

Mario kart 8 was announced, but Nintendo had previously said a new Mario Kart was going be at E3. No point.

2. Wii U price cut

Points: 0

There was no much needed price drop.

3. New 3DS features

Points: 0


4. New 3DS bundle

Points: 0


5. Several new games will be announced for the Wii U

Points: 0

Obviously, haha.

I don't really follow Nintendo, so I have no ideas what they will be doing  I'm serious about the Sony stuff..not soo much the Microsoft stuff though haha

Results = 2/15

David Rennie

1. PS4 console shown, no price given

Points: 0

Sony had already stated the console would be shown and the price was given.

2. Kevin Butler will make an appearance

Points: 0

After appearing in a commercial for Mario Kart Wii Sony doesn't want anything to do with him.

3. Last Guardian still exists, announced for PS4

Points: 0

It does still exist but we don't know whether it will be for PS4.

4. New Ratchet & Clank game announced for PS4/Vita

Points: 0

Insomniac was too busy at Microsoft's conference.

5. New Fat Princess game for Vita

Points: 0

In fact, no games for the Vita!


1. No price given for Xbox One

Points: 0

A $500 US price was given.

2. Major Nelson will make an appearance

Points: 0

No appearance from Major Nelson at the Microsoft conference.

3. Call of Duty dog will make an appearance

Points: 0

No dogs made an appearance.

4. New Halo game announced (probably a spin-off)

Points: 1

Halo 5 was teased.

5. New Banjo game announced

Points: 0



1. 3DS Revision

Points: 0


2. Masahiro Sakurai will make an appearance

Points: 1

Sakurai was featured in features after the Direct broadcast.

3. New Mario Kart for Wii U

Points: 0

Yes, but we knew a new Mario kart was going to be shown prior to the Direct.

4. New IP from Retro Studios announced for Wii U

Points: 0

Nah, they're still making Donkey Kong.

5. Time wasted showing footage of games right around the corner (Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pikmin 3, Super Luigi U) that we already know enough about but it happens again and again with different games every Nintendo Direct because they think we're deaf or too stupid to remember. 

Points: 0

They actually gave us all new information, surprisingly.

Results = 2/15

Richard Worsley


 1. Mark Cerny will invite anyone under the age of 14 to an exclusive look at Knack in his black ice cream van

Points: 0

I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happened.

2. David Cage unveils a new, retooled version of the Crytek engine, dubbed the CryCry engine.

Points: 0

I suspect David Cage has releaved something called the ''CryCry'', but it was most defiantly not an in game engine.

3. Final Fantasy's PS4 demo is their brand
 manager being rendered in full CG, bowing, causing 9999 damage to what looks like his own company.

Points: 0

Sounds better than their previous demos.

4. After a 12 minute demo of an explosion, Sony will showcase 5 second grabs of various independent games.

Points: 1


5. PlayStation+ Subscriptions now have unlimited access to ads, promos and sale pleas to buy the Vita. "EVERYTHING VITA, HALF PRICE." 

Points: 0

Everything on Vita is already a darn good price.


1. Exclusive Call of Duty DLC only accessible if Kinect detects you're beaming out of your skin to play it.

Points: 0

Kinect isn't powerful enough to detect actions like that.

2. Exclusive Call of Duty mode allows your actual dog to play the in-game one. MS have said early playtesting is "ripe for iteration advancement".

Points: 0

The Call of Duty dogs are already ''spot on'' gameplay wise.

3. Peter Molyneux comes on stage to Milo's Fable, a game where the POWA of Kinect 2.0 means you can swish water with one hand and perform one handed archery with the other. "One handed archery is a paradigm shift" - Molyneux.

Points: 0

Peter Molyneux was too busy participating in IGN's live stream.

4. Microsoft was announce a sequel that "no one has ever guessed yet". A trailer for Halo Wars 2 plays. 

Points: 0

No Halo Wars 2.

5. The stage applause will accidentally go off when MS announces that this will be the 360's final production year.

Points: 0

In fact, Microsoft have announced a new model of the 360.


1. Retro announces they've just returned from their long holiday on the island of "New Eyepee" and CAN'T WAIT to get back to work. 

Points: 0

Some people would have preferred this.

2. Sakurai admits to succumbing to overwhelming fan pressure and announces a character no one outside of Japan has heard of.

Points: 0

No, but he does announce a character that isn't actually a character. Wii Fit Trainer? Seriously? 

3. Reggie will come up with some brilliant reversals with the Wii U's lack of buzz like "...we're just getting started", "the best is yet to come" and "ripe for iteration advancement". 

Points: 0

Nope, no excuses for having no games in 8 months.

4. Iwata will announce the ultimate crossover between three mega franchises, calling it Nintendo's first "XXX" title. He then gets distracted by the laughter of an American stagehand.

Points: 0

No laughing during the Nintendo Direct, it's serious business! 

5. Rekindling old conference memories, Nintendo will play the live reaction to E3 2004's Zelda trailer to every new game they show.

Points: 0

Good idea, I've sent Nintendo an email for next year.

Results = 1/15

Well the results are in and as awkward as this is it appears I have gotten the most predictions right. Looks like I've won satisfaction! Oh boy!

1st - Drew Agnew = 7/15
2nd - Riley Huppatz = 6/15
3rd - Rowan Godwin = 5/15
4th - David Rennie = 2/15
5th - Todd Lang = 2/15
6th - Richard Worsley = 1/15

A special thanks to those that spent the time making predictions, there were some great and humorous predictions and I look forward to doing something similar to this next year!

Thanks for reading!

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