Thursday, October 10, 2013

My ''Real Life'' Pokemon Team

Pokemon X & Y are only mere days away from their worldwide release on October 12th. With all the excitement regarding a whole new region to explore and Pokemon to capture, I thought to myself, if I were a real life Pokemon trainer traveling the country and collecting gym badges, what 6 Pokemon would I travel with? Now this is easier said then done, there are over 650 species to choose from, but I've chosen a hand full of my favorites.

So without further a-do, here is my party of Pokemon!

Name: Charizard
Number: #006
Classification: Flame Pokemon
Height: 1.7m
Weight: 90.5km
Ability: Blaze
Potential Nickname: Greymon

Charizard is one of the most popular Pokemon ever. His fire power and ability to fly make him a fantastic asset to anyone's team, and why wouldn't he be? Though to spite this I'm no hipster, so I am going to go right ahead and claim one for myself. Also with the newly announced mega evolutions this classic Pokemon just become twice as awesome!

Name: Heracross
Number: #214
Classification: Singlehorn Pokemon
Height: 1.5m
Weight: 54kg
Ability: Guts/Swarm
Potential Nickname: Hera-angry

Heracross is easily my favorite bug Pokemon. It's bug/fighting combination makes it a reliable Pokemon to take down foes (unless it's a flying type). And that horn means business!

Name: Lapras
Number: #131
Classification: Transport Pokemon
Height: 2.5m
Weight: 220kg
Ability: Water Absorb/Shell Armor
Potential Nickname: Jacob the Great

Lapras is so awesome. Strong, defensive and able to transport you across the ocean. A favorite I would not go without.

Name: Pikachu
Number: #025
Classification: Mouse Pokemon
Height: 0.4m
Weight: 6kg
Ability: Static
Potential Nickname: Pikadrew

Pikachu would probably be the choice of every 7 year old, but you can't go past him. He's so cute!

Name: Tyranitar
Number: #248
Classification: Armor Pokemon
Height: 2m
Weight: 202kg
Ability: Sand Stream
Potential Nickname: Tyranitarsaurus Rex

Every team needs a Pokemon to take hits and deal damage, and that's were Tyranitar comes in. Amazing attack power and a fearsome look, Tyranitar is going to be included in my team, and he's going to kick arse!

Name: Latias
Number: #380
Classification: Eon Pokemon
Height: 1.4m
Weight: 40kg
Ability: Levitate
Potential Nickname: Latiarse

Now I know what you're thinking ''Drew, how are you going to catch a legendary''? Truth is I have no idea, but I would sure as hell find a way. I have fond memories of chasing her throughout the Hoenn region in Sapphire version. She's cheerful, loyal and powerful, traits any trainer would be proud to have in their team.

So that would be my real life Pokemon team! It would looks something a little like this...

If you could choose 6 Pokemon for a real life Pokemon team, which ones would you choose? Leave your answer in the comments below or on Life's a Game's Facebook page!

Drew turned 10 over 9 years ago and still hasn't received his first Pokemon from Professor Oak. Whats up with that?!!  

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pokestep - Soundcloud Discoveries [23-09-13]

Sound Cloud is a social media that allows users to upload, record, promote and share their originally created sounds. It is a fantastic music discovery tool that gives you access to thousands of artists and genres, both independent and mainstream. I quite often find a lot of new interesting music through this service. The variety of songs you are able to listen to by a huge range of bands, artists, composers and DJ's is amazing. Along my searches I find some pretty neat stuff, and I am here to share my finds with you weekly, every Monday.

Pokemon is one of my favorite video game series and it is also home to my favorite in-game music. So when I found a sub genre on Soundcloud called ''Pokestep'' I knew I had to share it. If you played Pokemon when you were a child, these remixes will give you a nostalgia boner like never before. 

Have a listen!

Lavender Town remix (Dub step)

Pokemon medley that features Forest/Cave Theme, Route 1 Theme, Battle Theme, Victory! (Dub step)

Pokemon Red & Blue title screen remix (Dub step)

Red & Blue trainer battle remix (Dub step)

Red & Blue Pokemon Center remix (Dub Step)

Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire surfing remix (Piano)

Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire ending credits (Orchestral)

Pokemon Red & Blue trainer battle (Dub step)

Lance/Red Battle! remix (Heavy Metal)

Main Theme remix

Pokemon anime theme (Orchestral) 

Pokemon anime theme (Dub step)

To Drew the combination of Pokemon and good music is like chocolate cake and milk, you just can't go past it. Do you have any interesting music to share? Post them in the comments or on Life's a Game's Facebook page!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Gravity Rush Sequel Teaser Analysis

Gravity Rush was one of my favorite games from 2012 and easily my favorite title on the PlayStation Vita. While I am aware of it's faults, I still can't get over the beautiful the art style and the unique world the game is based within. Ever since I finished the game I have been anxiously waiting for a sequel to be announced. And the other day my prays may have been answered. At Tokyo Games Show, Sony shown a short teaser trailer featuring art work and footage of protagonist Kat jumping around and manipulating gravity. While this isn't an announcement as such, it is most likely a hint at confirmation for a new Gravity Rush game. There are many unanswered questions about this supposed  Gravity Rush sequel (like is it even a sequel?) and I'll do my best to pick through the trailer to find any details that give hints towards the final game. 

So without further a-do, watch the video below!


Yep, the start of the trailer shows Japan Studio's logo. They make the game, so nothing out of the ordinary here.

This piece of art looks to be a floating house boat? Who knows... And whether it will play a sufficient role in the games story or just a random shot is unknown.

The image on the left appears to be refugees with all their belongings in the back of a flying truck, maybe escaping the city? That might actually make sense seeing as the other picture on the right appears to the city over grown with weeds and trees. Could they be leaving because they driven out or could it just be a nature friendly part of the city?

The floating city featured in the middle image looks different to Helseville, they city from the original game. It could be a completely different city or Helseville could have drastically changed. Whether the new game is based far into the future and the city has evolved over time or it has been invaded by something? Though that last one seems unlikely because the image below shows that the city seems to be in a good state.

This piece of concept art is the clearest picture shown in the trailer and shows Dusty, Kat and Raven floating around in an extremely populated city. Now that I look at a closer angle, I am not very confident that they're still in Helseville, it looks completely different.

Kat is asleep, has she lost her memory again?

 Oh, she's awake!

Kat as she jumps through a lower section of the city.

She's probably thinking something along the lines of ''Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee''. I know I would be...

The city looks great but similar to the original game. Does this mean the game is once again on the Vita and hasn't moved to the PS3 or PS4?

Why are you in such a 'rush', Kat?

In all the screen shots above that show Kat using her gravity powers, she has pink strands coming out from the bracelets on her wrists. They weren't there in the first game. Is this an indication that she has new or improved powers? Whatever the case, it looks cool!

Another thing to note about the footage shown in the trailer is that the colour tone is quite different. Instead of the green and orange skies and buildings everything seems to have a cooler tone with more blues. Personally I think it looks a lot better!

Hey, Kat!

''Fall Again''? Yep,  a new Gravity Rush.

''A new project from Team Gravity''?  Second yep. Gravity Rush 2 is surely a thing.

So there you have it, the Gravity Rush teaser broken up. Whether I actually found anything about the game is up in the air, but you might have found out something you may have missed (unlikely)!

Are you excited for a Gravity Rush sequel or have you noticed something I missed? Leave a word in the comments below or on Life's a Game Facebook page!

Drew is a huge fan of Gravity Rush and he hope's it will become a franchise big enough to stand tall along Sony's greatest. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Get to know Blogger Drew Agnew

Age: 19

Hobbies & Interests:

  • Gaming
  • Music
  • Drumming
  • Soccer
  • Running
  • Shooting
  • Animals
  • Writing 

A. I have always had strong opinions regarding the gaming industry. Whether it was discussing games with friends during High School or with strangers over the internet, I loved being able to voice my opinion and hear other people’s take on certain topics. I quite often listened to IGN podcasts where the editors on the site would encourage people passionate about gaming to start blogging about video games. So in my last year of High School I wrote about video games whenever I got the opportunity and wrote two articles, one about video games as an entertainment medium and the other about Nintendo’s relevance in the future. I uploaded the two articles to the blog section of IGN and the feedback was quite positive. Comments such as ‘’Great article, I can tell you put a lot of thought into writing this’’ and ‘’this is by far one of the best post I have read this year. Keep up the good work’’ really gave me a warm feeling and gave me the desire to start writing even more. I eventually decided on creating my own blog over via Blogger because it gave me full controller over how my page appeared and access to an abundance of statistics. This was my page, a page I can put my thoughts into and evolve over time. I think what excites me the most, is that I know what my blog could potentially become.

Just the beginning! 

A. These types of questions are normally answered with the game that got that particular person into gaming in the first place, and for me it’s no different. My favorite game(s) are Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire for the Game Boy Advance. These games are so nostalgic to me, they remind me of simpler times where my friends and I stayed up late with nothing more than our GBA’s bright screen illuminating the room. Though these games are more than a trip down nostalgia lane, I still find them fun to play to this day. I think this has something to do with the Pokémon franchise as a whole and the fact that it appeals to such a wide audience. The first time I played through the game I only trained a Swampert that I received at the start of the adventure (noob), now when I play it I make sure each Pokémon in my party is a different type and has a good nature and move set. It is the different levels of depths you are able to play these games at which keeps older people playing, and I think that is genius design.


A. Whether ‘’revolutionised’’ is the right word for it, I think Super Mario 64 was a huge step in the evolution of video games. At the time the franchise has only been played in 2D and now with the added power of the Nintendo 64 Mario and the world around him could finally become full 3D. This completely changed the games mechanics and shown the world what games could become. It was also a fantastic show piece for the analogy stick on the 64’s controller, a feature that was included on every controller that followed it.

Look at the view from the top of the castle, it goes on for meters...

A. I can’t narrow it down to just one because I think it is important to play a variety of games, but RPG’s, platformers and action adventure games seem to be what takes a lot of my time.

A. (Laughs) Who wouldn't like to make a profit out of doing something they love? Though what I am concentrating on right now is developing my skills to make Life’s a Game the best I possibly can. The opportunity may arise where it could potentially make a profit, but right now it isn't a priority.

A. At the moment I have a Facebook page where I post links to my articles and other information or news regarding Life’s a Game. I also post stuff I write on other services such as My IGN and forums like Another-Castle. Although, the likes on my Facebook page is the only way I can gage who is following the blog, so you all should get over there and click the Like button!

This is as far as my advertising has gone so far

A. Right now I am in the early days of running a blog, so in five years I hope to see the quality in my writing and content drastically improved. I find it difficult to balance everything else in my life with getting content on my blog regularly, so posting articles, features, etc on my blog weekly is an area I would like to see myself improve in. I am also looking at branching out to Youtube, so something interesting should come out of that!

A. Who knows! (Laughs) Though with my farming background it will most likely be something in the field of agriculture.

A. Gaming has had a huge influence on my personal life. From the people I associate with to the clothes I wear, the passion I have for video games is a big part of who I am. The fact I blog about video games speaks for itself!

A. 10 years is such a long time, especially where technology is concerned. It’s hard to say at this stage, seeing as next gen hardware is just around the corner, but I suspect:

·         Everything will be digital only, no discs or carts
·         Dedicated gaming handhelds are still a thing, if not a lot different

I really don’t have any more, it will be interesting to see how the next 2 years will play out let alone 10!

A. A gaming platform is nothing if it doesn't have a strong game library to back it up. In my opinion the platform with the most unique and quality game library is found on the 3DS. It is funny to think that this system had such a slow start with its first must play games coming out months after the devices launch. Though when things started to gain traction the amount of great games exploded. Games like Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem and Star Fox are only available on 3DS, you won’t find anything like them on other platforms, and I think that is truly special. Also with Pokémon X & Y and Zelda: Link Between Worlds coming this year, things aren't slowing down anytime soon!

A. Unlike movies and books, video games are a relatively new medium. Only in the last decade have we seen gaming caterer to mature audiences and I think people unfamiliar with video games feel uncomfortable seeing violence from this perspective. If parents follow the rating system and only buy their children age appropriate games, violence won’t be an issue.

A. I do believe that video games are a form of art. Today modern video games cost millions of dollars to develop and many different forms of art are in games. The soundtrack, character design, environment design, game mechanics, scripted voice acting and many more are examples of art in video games. It all adds up to an experience that no other medium can offer. Although, I do believe people often lose sight of what games are all about. Games are to be enjoyed. Simple. They’re not to be looked at from a distance, they’re meant to be explored with all hands on deck. If a game isn't fun or enjoyable it is a waste of space.

A screenshot from Okami HD looks like a beautiful painting

If you have any suggestions or feedback for Life's a Game leave a post on the Facebook page or give Drew a shout on Twitter @iDrewby!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Mash ups - Soundcloud Discoveries [09-09-13]

Sound Cloud is a social media that allows users to upload, record, promote and share their originally-created sounds. It is a fantastic music discovery tool that gives you access to thousands of artists and genres, both independent and mainstream. I quite often find a lot of new interesting music through this service. The variety of songs you're able to listen to by a huge range of bands, artists, composers and DJ's is amazing. Along my searching I find some pretty neat stuff, and I am here to share my finds with you weekly, every Monday.

This week I have compiled a bunch of song mash ups that caught my attention. 

Have you found any interesting mash ups? If so share them in the comments or Life's a Game's Facebook page.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The 1975 - Soundcloud Discoveries [02-09-13]

Sound Cloud is a social media that allows users to upload, record, promote and share their originally-created sounds. It is a fantastic music discovery tool that gives you access to thousands of artists and genres, both independent and mainstream. I quite often find a lot of new interesting music through this service. The variety of songs you're able to listen to by a huge range of bands, artists, composers and DJ's is amazing. Along my searching I find some pretty neat stuff, and I am here to share my finds with you weekly, every Monday.

For the first the first week, I want to feature a band I've quickly fallen in love with, The 1975. Actually, today they release their first album, self-titled ''The 1975''. They're such a unique band with meaningful lyrics and funky sounds. Have a listen and see if you dig their music too!

If you are interested in checking out more songs from The 1975's debut album head to their Sound Cloud page where they have the whole album uploaded. My personal favorite songs are Chocolate, The City and Girls. The band is also coming to Australia in 2014 for the Big Day Out, which is exciting!

So what do you think of The 1975? A new favorite band to add to your music library or not your thing? Post your comment below or on the Life's a Game Facebook page!

Nothing gets Drew Agnew more excited than discovering that one song that sends shivers down your spine and makes you want to shout its lyrics to the world. He loves drumming and listening to music (this month will mainly consist of The 1975!).