Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Smash Bros Nintendo Direct (I'm Excited)!

I'll be honest, waiting for the Smash Bros focused Nintendo Direct feels a lot like Christmas, only without the tasty food and festive atmosphere. I cannot wait to discover what information gets spilled out for the internet to break down and discuss, because we really don't know a whole lot about the two games. Sure, we know some characters, stages and the 3DS version has some sort of single player component but that is about it. It is a safe bet that new characters with be revealed (I'm guessing three :P) along with stages and couple of new Final Smashes.

Though, what I am hoping for is for Sakurai to walk through some of the game modes and explain what their idea is for online gaming. Has a lot of thought gone into it or is it an after thought? At this stage I would be happy to hear that it works. Also some gameplay demonstrations for new mechanics would be cool, we've seen screen shots now it's time to see it in action.

Unfortunately the Official Super Smash Bros Twitter account tweeted that a release date will not be announced, only a broad release frame. The translated quote, We’re not at the stage where we can announce a concrete release date yet, but in [today's] broadcast, we will share a broad release frame,. While it would be awesome to get a release date, it appears that it isn't to be. I guess it will give us something to look forward to another day! 

So yeah, I'm keen and you're probably keen too! Tomorrow I'll have another post up going through whats shown and my opinion on it all. Hopefully I'll see you there!

Be Drew's Smash Brother by starting a conversation with him on Twitter @iDrewby.

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